Discover How To Make More Milk Fast

Without Stress, Exhaustion & Overwhelm

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Click to watch a Replay of my popular masterclass 'How to Naturally Improve Your Breast Milk Supply'

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What You'll Learn With This Free PDF

Secret #1

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

Secret #2

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

Secret #3

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

About Me! Who Am I?

Hi I’m Kelly Northey, founder of the Yummy Mummy Food Company and The Make More Milk Method.

As a Certified Postpartum Nutrition Coach, I help mums struggling to breastfeed to overcome postpartum nutrient depletion, which can help increase their milk supply as well as improving their overall health & wellbeing letting them say goodbye to brain fog, fatigue, mood swings, hormonal issues and can even help better sleep!

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